Middle C Music
 Middle C Music
Category Choral
Composer Chong Ch'ol (words), Juliet Woller (music)
Key Bb, C
Bars 43
Min. 1
Sec. 50
Time Signatures 4
Grade 3.0 - 3.5
Description Kiwi composer Juliet Woller is highly regarded in New Zealand choral circles. This SSA setting of a sixteenth century Korean poem is exquisite. The composition is written to feel like a wash of sound, with the overlapping lines rippling like moonlight through the leaves. This work abounds with choral challenges - moments of dissonance, subtle crescendi and diminuendi, sensitive phrasing, pitch accuracy, breath control, ensemble balance and divisi writing. The sijo poetry form typically consists of three lines and generally concludes with an unexpected twist.
Price $12.00

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